Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Why is Mom in Jail and Abortionist is Not?
July 8th, 2006
Wichita, KS – Below is a column that appeared in the Wichita Eagle concerning a horrific case of child sexual abuse on two sisters that resulted in four pregnancies over the course of many years, including one abortion and the birth of twins on one of the girl’s 12th birthday. The step father who abused the girls is set for bench trial later this month, and the mother who did nothing but look the other way is currently in jail.
Kansas abortionists and abortion supporters in the social services field recently sued and won a Federal Court case to exempt them from the Kansas law that mandates reporting of underage sexual activity. During the trial, which was reported on by Operation Rescue, the abortionists voiced concerns for the privacy of such girls and touted the “benefits” of underage sex. Judge J. Thomas Marten agreed reporting should be discretionary in consideration of the girls’ “privacy.” (Read about the trial.)
But in the case below, Marten’s exemption was not in place. The abortionist and doctors who administered prenatal care for the other three pregnancies did not report the incident of underage sexual abuse to the authorities in violation of the law, and thus allowed the abuse to continue – for years.
This begs the question: Why is the mom in jail and the abortionist and other physicians are not?
The abortionist is every bit as responsible for the abuse as the mother, as are the other mandatory reporters who failed to protect these girls.
And this is not an isolated case. Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline has indicated that although abortion clinics report having committed abortions on girls as young as 9, there has never been one incidence of underage child sex reported to his office by abortion clinics.
Columnist Mark McCormick asks the question, “How could this suffering get by us?” The answer is clear. Abortionists and their supporters in social services enjoy special privileges in our society and operate above the law. Judge Marten reinforced that arrogant behavior by creating an environment where abortion clinics and others can continue to protect and enable sexual predators without fear of prosecution.
Fortunately, Kline has appealed Judge Marten’s outrageous and dangerous ruling, and we pray for sanity to be restored by the Court of Appeals.
But until that time, we will surely see more cases like the tragedy below.


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