Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dead Baby Closes Florida Abortion Mill
At first glance, the headline seemed odd: “Dead Baby Found In Hialeah Abortion Clinic.” After all, aren’t abortion clinics in the business of producing dead babies? What makes this discovery newsworthy is the sordid tale of a botched abortion, a baby born alive and possibly killed after the fact, suspicion of evidence tampering, and a state that stepped in and took action to close the mill pending investigation in order to protect the public.
Unfortunately, horrific stories like this are making headlines across America with disturbing regularity. In May, Operation Rescue reported on an abortion mill in Birmingham, AL, that was closed by the state pending investigation of a botched abortion on a full term baby. That mill was later permanently closed.
In June, Operation Rescue purchased a Wichita, Kansas, abortion mill and unveiled the filthy and unsafe conditions at that facility, after helping to expose similar conditions at a now closed Kansas City abortion mill last year. However, the state of Kansas has refused to act or even inspect the state’s remain four abortion clinics where similar conditions are suspected.
This month in Chula Vista, CA, another in a long line of shoddy abortionists with the troubled Clinica Medica Para La Mujer De Hoy abortion chain is being investigated by the Medical Board of California, this time for killing a baby during delivery through negligence. (The baby’s skull was crushed during a forceps delivery, according to sources.) This is at least the fifth abortionist at the Chula Vista facility alone to undergo such an investigation. Four abortionists were stripped of their medical licenses, and one was disciplined and voluntarily left the killing industry. Yet the mill continues to operate.
The story breaking out of Hialeah, Florida, is further testament to myth of the so-called “safe, legal” abortion. Appalling conditions and shocking treatment at our nation’s abortion mills are epidemic, and have created a health crisis in our country that is mostly ignored, sometimes covered up, and rarely confronted.
It is our prayer that the Hialeah investigation will permanently close “A Gynecologists Diagnostic Center” and that those actions will inspire other states to take similar actions.
It is long past time for Americans to come out of denial about abortion and face the true state of crisis that exists at the nation’s abortion mills. The public must come to understand that shoddy conditions and shoddier abortionists are the rule and not the exception. The only way to stop the human misery inflicted on society by abortion and its aftermath is to stop it now. We at Operation Rescue are working hard to make sure that day soon becomes a reality.