Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Homosexual Agenda

Bill O'Reilly: He Still Doesn't Get It

Fox News Host of The O'Reilly Factor Continues to Promote 'Gay' Lifestyle to America

Stephen Bennett Friday, February 13, 2004

(Caution: some information is graphic and may be offensive some readers.)

In the past several days, the media has descended on Massachusetts like a flock of vultures on a wounded prey. The scenes inside and out of the Statehouse are described by many as "surreal." With the thousands of people and hundreds of cameras on Beacon Hill, the legislators say they have never seen or experienced anything like this before.
All the hoopla of course is about the latest moral assault on America - "gay" marriage.
One of the greatest battles for America's future right now is being waged in the state of Massachusetts. Four tyrannical judges, against the will of the people, have imposed “gay” marriage on the Commonwealth, effective mid May. Sides are extremely polarized as the future of America hangs in the balance. All eyes are on the Bay state as the outcome of this decision will no doubt affect and radically change our great nation forever as we know it.
Those in the pro-family movement need to stop pussy footing around and not be afraid to confront the real issue at hand. Yes, it’s about defending the sanctity of marriage – but it’s so much more. This battle is really about America embracing and accepting the practice - of homosexuality.
To observe the national media's biased, one-sided reporting on this issue is disheartening, to say the least.
My wife Irene and I both led teams at pro-marriage rallies on Sunday, February 8, 2004, in Hartford, Connecticut and Boston, Massachusetts. We were there. Yet the media's reporting was undoubtedly biased beyond belief. While watching the news broadcasts later that evening, you would think the media was at a different rally than we were.
With upwards of 6,000 people rallying in support of marriage between a man and a woman in Connecticut and literally only a handful of homosexual protestors, the media gave all of the air time to the "gay" activists and their protest. The same slant unfortunately was put on the Massachusetts rally.
Sadly, watching the cable news programs and their reporting on America's homosexual dilemma isn't any better. It just reinforces how biased the media really is.
On February 11, 2004, Bill O'Reilly, host of The O'Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel, featured Kevin Jennings, the executive director of GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network.) Jennings, former teacher turned homosexual activist, along with a lesbian counterpart, discussed GLSEN's new pro-homosexual curriculum on marriage being marketed to children and youth in public schools all across America under the guise of "tolerance."
GLSEN's materials instruct teachers how to teach America's children that "gay” is OK. This material falsely and deceptively equates homosexuality with heterosexuality - stating we need to accept and embrace everyone for who they "really" are – whether “gay,” lesbian, bi-sexual or transgendered.
After praising his guests, Bill O'Reilly tragically bit the bait and once again displayed his personal bias, stating he supports all Americans in their "pursuit of happiness."
But what does Bill O'Reilly think one’s "pursuit of happiness" includes?
O'Reilly, watched heavily by conservatives and Christians alike, shocked much of his constituency on September 3, 2002 when he publicly announced his support of homosexual special rights in the nation's largest “gay” publication, The Advocate. His controversial interview is one he probably wishes would just go away. His sympathetic, emotionally based views on “gay” adoption and his mixed-message stance on “gay” marriage have caused great dissent among his loyalists - and no doubt cost him viewers.
On his move to the mainstream middle, as some say to draw a larger fan base, O'Reilly has simply sold out.
What Bill O’Reilly needs to realize is that he and others in the media are sending a very bad message to America and our children. Does O'Reilly actually think two men engaging in anal intercourse is something America needs to embrace, accepting this behavior as part of the homosexual's "pursuit of happiness?"
Does Mr. O'Reilly actually believe a sexual, sadistic act practiced by two lesbians or "gay" men known as "fisting" should be taught to America's teens? I don't believe he does. Unfortunately, this is exactly what was taught, among other things, during a workshop his guest's organization GLSEN co-sponsored and participated in.
The event called "Teach Out" took place in Massachusetts in March of 2000. The event, dubbed "Fistage" drew national headlines – as well as outrage.
GLSEN also provides a suggested reading list of books to America's youth – over 200 of them - many containing blatant, pornographic stories of young boys who engage in oral sex and anal intercourse with older boys, as well as lesbian sex between young girls. Most parents – and obviously O’Reilly - are in the dark on the explicit, graphic, erotic homosexual content America’s youth are reading.
Does Mr. O’Reilly know that some of these books his guests recommend such as "Heather Has Two Mommies" – suggested reading for children as young as kindergarten – are published by Alyson publishers, one of the largest publishers of adult homosexual erotica, perversion and pornography?
Linda Harvey, executive director of Mission: America, has documented several of these GLSEN resources and other troubling books in great detail.
GLSEN is also responsible for encouraging and helping students to begin GSA's or gay-straight alliances - "gay" clubs - nearly 2,000 of them - in schools all across America. These clubs meet to motivate the students to embrace and pursue their homosexual lifestyles - some even encouraging homosexual experimentation. I personally stopped one of these GSA's in Connecticut two years ago from taking their teenage club members on a "field trip" to Provincetown, Massachusetts - one of the largest homosexual sub-cultures in the north east.
Is this the message that Bill O'Reilly really wants to send to America? Are these the books he wants America's youth to read? Is this what Bill O'Reilly wants to have his child taught? Are these the kind of clubs he wants America's youth to join? Does Bill O'Reilly really look forward to the day when his child will walk down the aisle to be married till "death do us part" with the child's homosexual lover?
Bill O'Reilly, who fervently advocates for children by fighting the demeaning messages of Ludicrous, Janet Jackson, Snoop Doggy Dog, Little Kim and others, has done a lot of good for America – and he deserves a lot of credit and respect for that. However, he is being hypocritical and doing a great disservice to America by using his celebrity to endorse the homosexual lifestyle.
Homosexuality is not only harmful to homosexuals themselves, but also to children and to society. It has proven deadly for many. I know. I’ve buried numerous friends and lovers in the ground who have died from AIDS.
What’s even more troubling though is O'Reilly, who professes the Catholic faith, knows his views are in direct opposition and rebellion with the Catholic church's teaching on homosexuality. Rosie O’Donnell, a lesbian and “gay” activist, also claims to be Catholic. Many Catholics across America are outraged and are distancing themselves from these public celebrities and their "heretical" beliefs on Catholic church doctrine.
Father John Harvey, a Catholic priest from New York who heads Courage, a Catholic ministry to those who want to overcome their unwanted same-sex attractions, says people such as O'Reilly are “…in grave error and have placed themselves above the church."
The Vatican itself issued a bold statement months ago addressing politicians and public figures, stating no professing Catholic could nor should support the homosexual lifestyle, same-sex unions or "gay" adoption. Yet even from stern warnings from Rome itself - O'Reilly has dug his heels in.
Bill O'Reilly just doesn't seem to get it. He's right on so many issues, but on homosexuality he's dead wrong.
As I've said time and time again, people such as Bill O'Reilly have fallen for the "Gay Spin Zone." Their reasoning is based on emotion, not on logic. It's based on the buzz word "tolerance," not the truth. It's based on believing a misinformation campaign being waged by "gay" activists - and the media is the major conduit of this movement.
Tragically, the message Bill O'Reilly and others within the media are sending to America -- is the wrong one.
O'Reilly has had many opportunities to hear the truth about the homosexual lifestyle from many of his guests, including when I appeared on his show the day his controversial interview in The Advocate was released in 2002. Yet he didn't want to listen.
As a former homosexual, I encourage Bill O'Reilly – for once - to listen and to examine the truth about homosexuality; to put aside his presuppositions and not to go by his emotions. Real love is to tell the truth in love.
Those such as myself who take a public, principled stand against the embracing and promotion of homosexuality are the real ones at the brunt of hate, discrimination and bigotry. In the media, we are censored, mocked and ridiculed. Yet we go on and we do so for a reason – for the truth’s sake. We know the facts and the myths about the homosexual lifestyle. I've been there personally and walked a million miles in the homosexual’s shoes. I continue to speak out because I truly love the homosexual individual.
I’ve lived in a glass house, so I’ve learned not to throw stones. Today I am the heterosexual man I was created to be. I'm happily married to my wife for over 10 years and I’m the father of our two little children. My message is not one of hate - but one of hope. It is not one of discrimination - but of deliverance. A message that I perceived years ago as one of bigotry - brought me a new beginning.
This same wonderful hope awaits every homosexual man and woman - a chance to become the real men and women they were created to be.
As the issue of homosexuality continues to be at the forefront in America, the media - including Bill O'Reilly - have to be held to higher standards and called to report the issues accurately, fairly and without bias.
Fox News claims to be fair and balanced and I highly respect the network – as well as Bill O’Reilly. I believe he is a good man and wants to do the right thing. All I have though is one simple request: let America hear the truth Mr. O'Reilly about homosexuality.
Respectfully, do as you always say Bill – “We'll leave it up to the viewers... We report, you decide."


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