Monday, September 18, 2006

Is Nothing Sacred? NBC to sellout God for money!

on Sep 18 2006 18:38:19

ETNBC has given the green light to include Madonna-on-the-Cross footage in an upcoming November Sweeps concert special! In the show, Madonna, wearing a gittered crown of thorns, descends on a suspended mirrored, disco ball-type cross singing her hit 'Live To Tell.' NBC suit Kevin Reilly said Madonna considered the crucifixion a highlight of her show." ( Satan would agree ) We viewed it and didn't see it as being inappropriate," NBC explained. Developing... ( these liars wouldn't even be airing the concert if it wasn't for the controversial mock crucifixion! )

Madonna exploits Christianity for the "almighty dollar and fame". She should be thankful Christians are a peaceful people. Could you imagine if this fraud tried exploiting Islam for the same purpose. How long do you think it would take before she would be referred to in the past tense?

Do you think NBC, in fairness would allow another act to perform their concert having a highlight of a performer desocrating any other sacred icon whether it be Hindu, Buddist, Islamic or Jewish. What cowards! Don't hold your breath.


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